1. 美国议员寻求对华半导体出口的透明度 - The Sunday Guardian US lawmakers seek transparency on semiconductor exports to China (news.google.com)
2. 特朗普胜选对中国远离美元资产有何影响? - South China Morning Post How will Trump victory affect China’s shift away from US dollar assets? (news.google.com)
3. 特朗普的美国在筑墙,中国可以架桥 - South China Morning Post China can build bridges as Trump’s America builds walls (news.google.com)
4. 新就职的印尼总统苏比安托首次出访中国 - The Associated Press Newly inaugurated Indonesian President Subianto visits China in first overseas trip (news.google.com)
5. 敦促印尼领导人普拉博沃与中国一道领导全球南方国家 - South China Morning Post Indonesian leader Prabowo urged to join China in leading Global South (news.google.com)
6. 中国新型隐形战斗机将在中国最大航展上亮相 - VOA Asia New Chinese stealth fighter to take center stage at China''s biggest air show (news.google.com)
7. 欧盟企业强调广阔的中国市场蕴含巨大商机 - Global Times Companies from EU highlight vast Chinese market offering huge opportunities (news.google.com)
8. 中国粤港澳大湾区迎来全运会倒计时一周年 - China Daily China''s Greater Bay Area marks one-year countdown to National Games (news.google.com)
9. 史蒂芬-麦登公司首席执行官称将把生产迁出中国 - The New York Times Steven Madden C.E.O. Says It Is Moving Production Out of China (news.google.com)
10. 入境口岸:中国在秘鲁建设的大型项目有望重塑太平洋贸易格局 - South China Morning Post Port of entry: Peru’s Chinese-built megaproject is poised to reshape Pacific trade (news.google.com)
11. 中国 "最强 "海军战机将亮相珠海航展 - South China Morning Post China’s ‘most potent’ naval warplane set to appear at Zhuhai air show (news.google.com)
12. 从台湾到技术,中国思考特朗普 2.0 时代的未来 - NPR From Taiwan to technology, China ponders what''s to come under Trump 2.0 (news.google.com)
13. 经济衰退背景下,中国警方扣押资产并要求付款 - VOA Asia China’s police seize assets, demand payments amid economic downturn (news.google.com)
15. 中国正在努力修复经济--特朗普可能会破坏这些计划 - BBC.com China is trying to fix its economy - Trump could derail those plans (news.google.com)
16. 意大利 "珍视 "中国投资,希望获得更多投资 - POLITICO Europe Italy ‘cherishes’ Chinese investment, wants more (news.google.com)
17. 消息人士称中国间谍入侵了特朗普律师托德-布兰奇的手机 - Fox News Chinese spies hacked Trump attorney Todd Blanche''s phone: source (news.google.com)
18. 中国与印尼签署多项合作协议 - Reuters.com China and Indonesia sign multiple cooperation deals (news.google.com)
19. 欧盟如何与美国、中国和其他国家竞争? - DW (English) How can EU compete with US, China and others? (news.google.com)
20. 男子付钱给中国情人烧旧婚床祭祀,然后她就消失了 - South China Morning Post Man pays China lover to burn old marital bed in ritual then she vanishes (news.google.com)
21. 俄罗斯、中国和伊朗在美国大选期间散布错误信息 - Euronews Russia, China and Iran spread misinformation during US election (news.google.com)
22. 艰难时刻":欧盟特使呼吁在特朗普胜选后保持 "正常 "的对华关系 - South China Morning Post ‘A difficult moment’: EU envoy calls for ‘normal’ China ties after Trump victory (news.google.com)
23. 独家报道消息人士称,丰田将加大在华生产力度,实现战略转型 - Reuters.com Exclusive: Toyota aims to ramp up China production in a strategy pivot, sources say (news.google.com)
24. 尽管采取了刺激措施,中国居民消费价格涨幅仍为四个月来最慢 - CNBC China consumer prices rise slowest in 4 months, despite stimulus (news.google.com)
25. 意大利总统马塔雷拉在北京会见关系复杂的中国领导人习近平 - The Associated Press Italian President Mattarella meets Chinese leader Xi in Beijing amid complex ties (news.google.com)
26. 前美国贸易官员:日本应就中国电动汽车进口采取行动 - Nikkei Asia Japan should take action on Chinese EV imports: ex-U.S. trade official (news.google.com)
28. 中国向债务缠身的地方政府提供 10 万亿元支持 - The Guardian China unveils 10tn yuan support for debt-stricken local government (news.google.com)
29. 肆虐的野猪对中国城市的威胁与日俱增 - South China Morning Post Rampaging wild boars a growing menace in China’s cities (news.google.com)
30. 特朗普胜选后,欧洲寻求 "正常、公平 "的对华贸易关系:欧盟特使豪尔赫-托莱多 - South China Morning Post Europe seeks ''normal, fair'' China trade ties in wake of Trump win: EU envoy Jorge Toledo (news.google.com)
31. 尽管采取了刺激措施,中国居民消费价格涨幅仍为四个月来最慢 - Reuters China consumer prices rise slowest in 4 months, despite stimulus (news.google.com)
32. 尽管采取了刺激措施,中国居民消费价格涨幅仍为四个月来最慢 - Yahoo Finance China consumer prices rise slowest in 4 months, despite stimulus (news.google.com)
33. 中国封杀以批评美国著称的网络名人:南华早报 - Bloomberg China Bans Internet Celebrity Known for Criticizing US: SCMP (news.google.com)
34. 独家报道秘鲁与中国将在习近平 APEC 访问期间签署强化自由贸易协定 - Reuters.com Exclusive: Peru and China to sign strengthened free-trade agreement in Xi''s APEC visit (news.google.com)
35. 一位习近平执法官正在启动中国的间谍机器--令西方震惊 - The Wall Street Journal A Xi Enforcer Is Revving Up China’s Spy Machine—and Alarming the West (news.google.com)
36. 巴基斯坦称可充当中美之间的桥梁 - The Times of India Pakistan says it can serve as bridge between US and China (news.google.com)
37. 独家 中国互联网审查机构禁止反西方斗士司马南访问中国一年 - South China Morning Post Exclusive Chinese internet censors ban anti-West firebrand Sima Nan for a year (news.google.com)
38. 中国年轻人放弃飞机,改乘火车和汽车长途旅行。认识 "铁屁股 "旅行者 - CNN Young Chinese are ditching planes to travel long distances by train and bus. Meet the ‘iron butt’ travelers (news.google.com)
39. 中国在台湾附近的军事飞行增加 300 - The Hill China’s military flights near Taiwan up 300 percent (news.google.com)
40. 中国10月份居民消费价格同比涨幅放缓至0.3 - Reuters China''s consumer prices rises slow to 0.3% on year in October (news.google.com)
41. 中国互联网审查机构禁止反西方斗士司马南上网一年 - South China Morning Post Chinese internet censors ban anti-West firebrand Sima Nan for a year (news.google.com)
42. 中国 "F-35 闪电-II "战斗机进行首次训练飞行;歼-35A 将在珠海航展上首次亮相 - EurAsian Times China’s “F-35 Lightning-II” Fighter Jet Roars & Soars For First Training Flight; J-35A Set For Zhuhai Air Show Debut (news.google.com)
43. 揭穿马来西亚经济过度依赖中国的神话 - The Diplomat Debunking the Myth of Malaysia''s Economic Overdependence on China (news.google.com)
44. 共和党人越来越接近终止中国的贸易优惠地位 - Fox News Republicans inch closer to ending China''s favored trade status (news.google.com)
45. 台积电正在切断中国与先进人工智能芯片的联系 - Quartzy TSMC is cutting China off from its advanced AI chips (news.google.com)
46. 中国年轻人放弃飞机,改乘公共汽车和火车长途旅行。认识 "铁屁股 "旅行者 - CNN Young Chinese are ditching planes to travel long distances by bus and train. Meet the ‘iron butt’ travelers (news.google.com)
47. 中国经济刺激政策收效甚微,与特朗普摊牌迫在眉睫 - The Economist China’s stimulus falls short, as a showdown with Trump looms (news.google.com)
48. 辉瑞将在五年内在华投资 10 亿美元促进药物开发 - Yahoo Finance Pfizer to Invest 1 Billion in China Over Five Years to Boost Drug Development (news.google.com)
49. 众议院小组就芯片制造设备制造商与中国的关系提出质询 - The Hill House panel questions chip manufacturing equipment makers over any ties to China (news.google.com)
50. 经济动荡与政治机遇--特朗普的回归对中国意味着什么? - CNN Economic upheaval and political opportunity – what Trump’s return could mean for China (news.google.com)
51. 中国 "星链 "竞争对手在埃隆-马斯克不和后抢滩巴西 - Yahoo Finance Chinese Starlink rival swoops into Brazil after Elon Musk feud (news.google.com)
52. 美国将军称中国将台湾附近的军事航班增加了 300 - NBC News China has increased military flights near Taiwan by 300%, U.S. general says (news.google.com)
53. 阿斯利康中国风波;辉瑞在华 10 亿美元计划;Incyte-Sun JAK 争端 - FiercePharma AstraZeneca China fallout; Pfizer 1B plan in China; Incyte-Sun JAK dispute (news.google.com)
54. 台积电将从下周一起停止向中国出口人工智能芯片 - Tech Monitor TSMC will halt AI chip exports to China from Monday (news.google.com)
55. 中国向地方政府拨款数十亿,以解决隐性债务问题。 - NBC News China allocates billions to local governments to tackle hidden debt issues. (news.google.com)
56. 意大利总统马塔雷拉在北京会见关系复杂的中国领导人习近平 - Newsday Italian President Mattarella meets Chinese leader Xi in Beijing amid complex ties (news.google.com)
57. 中国将如何主导 "电驴 "产业 - Semafor How China is poised to dominate the ‘electric donkey’ industry (news.google.com)
58. 中国在 2024 年珠海航展上展示的新武器为何令邻国担忧? - Firstpost Why China''s new weapons at Zhuhai Airshow 2024 is worrying for its neighbours (news.google.com)
59. "打起精神特朗普1.0时期在华美国商界领袖对特朗普2.0的看法 - Forbes “Brace Yourself”: U.S. Business Leader In China During Trump 1.0 Sizes Up Trump 2.0 (news.google.com)
60. 据英国《金融时报》报道,台积电将从下周一起暂停为中国生产先进的人工智能芯片 - Reuters TSMC to suspend production of advanced AI chips for China from Monday, FT reports (news.google.com)
61. 中国顶级对冲基金敦促客户因特朗普风险撤出现金 - Bloomberg Top China Hedge Fund Urges Clients to Pull Cash on Trump Risks (news.google.com)
62. 中国钢铁企业准备应对特朗普关税的间接打击 - Reuters.com China steelmakers gird for indirect Trump tariffs hit (news.google.com)
63. 中国公布 14 亿美元救助地方政府计划 - The New York Times China Reveals 1.4 Trillion Plan to Bail Out Local Governments (news.google.com)
64. 比美国爱国者 "更快、更便宜、更有效",俄罗斯向中国推销 S-350 "维蒂亚兹 "反导系统 - EurAsian Times “Faster, Cheaper & More Effective” Than U.S. Patriots, Russia Pitches S-350 ‘Vityaz’ AD Systems In China (news.google.com)
65. 马科斯签署法律拒绝中国的扩张性海疆主张 - Newsweek Marcos Signs Laws Rejecting China''s Expansive Sea Boundary Claims (news.google.com)
66. 特斯拉 10 月在中国销售汽车 40485 辆,上海工厂出口 27795 辆 - CnEVPost Tesla sells 40485 cars in China in Oct, exports 27795 from Shanghai plant (news.google.com)
67. 阿里巴巴、JD.com、NIO 股价下跌。中国刺激政策令人失望 - Barron's Alibaba, JD.com, NIO Stocks Fall. China Stimulus Disappointed. (news.google.com)
68. 菲律宾总统签署新法律确保海洋领土安全,与中国的巨大主权主张发生冲突 - The Associated Press Philippine president signs new laws to secure sea territory, clashing with China''s vast claims (news.google.com)
69. 与中国有联系的黑客在欧洲追踪日本目标 - 来自 Recorded Future News 的记录 China-linked hackers tasked with Japanese targets pursue them through Europe - The Record from Recorded Future News (news.google.com)
70. 中国推出 14 亿美元支持经济的一揽子计划 - Financial Times China unveils 1.4tn package to shore up economy (news.google.com)
71. 众议院委员会针对芯片技术公司与中国的关系进行调查 - The New York Times House Committee Targets Chip Technology Firms for China Ties (news.google.com)
72. 瑞士大学限制中国申请人,特朗普获胜:南华早报七大亮点 - This Week In Asia Swiss university to restrict Chinese applicants, Trump’s victory: SCMP’s 7 highlights (news.google.com)
73. 中国批准 1.4 万亿美元债务方案,这是提振疲软经济的最新措施 - CNN China approves 1.4 trillion debt package in latest measure to boost flagging economy (news.google.com)
74. 中国为何不会阻止盟友朝鲜对抗乌克兰 - Newsweek Why China Won''t Stop Ally North Korea From Fighting Ukraine (news.google.com)
75. 瑞士大学被抨击 "歧视",特朗普获胜:7 大亮点 - This Week In Asia Swiss university slammed as ‘discriminatory’, Trump’s victory: 7 highlights (news.google.com)
76. 中国新型隐形战斗机将在中国最大航展上亮相 - NBC News New Chinese stealth fighter to take center stage at China’s biggest airshow (news.google.com)
77. 准备好了吗?中国如何应对特朗普的第二次冲击 - Reuters Ready or not? How China scrambled to counter the second Trump shock (news.google.com)
78. 台积电将从下周一起关闭为中国生产先进人工智能芯片的大门 - Financial Times TSMC to close door on producing advanced AI chips for China from Monday (news.google.com)
79. 结交新朋友,促进招聘:中国芯片业计划如何应对特朗普 - Reuters Make new friends and boost hiring: How China''s chip industry plans to deal with Trump (news.google.com)
80. 关注全国人大报告,中国股市有望实现周线上涨 - Yahoo Finance Chinese Stocks Head for Weekly Gain With All Eyes on NPC Readout (news.google.com)
81. 世界股市创八月以来最佳一周,中国成为焦点 - Yahoo Finance World stocks cruise to best week since August, China in focus (news.google.com)
82. 中国对台湾的灰色地带攻势正适得其反 - Foreign Affairs Magazine China’s Gray-Zone Offensive Against Taiwan Is Backfiring (news.google.com)
83. 普拉博沃为期两周的中国和美国之行的重点是经济。 - Nikkei Asia Economy focus of Prabowo''s two-week tour that includes China and U.S. (news.google.com)
84. 菲律宾总统签署新法维护南海权利和主权 - Reuters Philippine president signs new laws to assert South China Sea rights, sovereignty (news.google.com)
85. 与普京的大交易还是与中国的对抗:特朗普可能改变美国世界地位的三种方式 - The Conversation A grand bargain with Putin or confrontation with China: 3 ways Trump may change America''s place in the world (news.google.com)
86. 中国推出 8,390 亿美元债务置换计划拯救地方政府 - Bloomberg China Unveils 839 Billion Debt Swap to Rescue Local Governments (news.google.com)
87. 中国警告美国贸易战没有赢家 - 商业直播 - The Guardian China warns US there are no winners in trade wars – business live (news.google.com)
88. 大亨推动印度对抗中国的太阳能主导地位 - The Wall Street Journal Tycoon Drives India’s Push Against China’s Solar-Energy Dominance (news.google.com)
89. 印尼新总统上任后首次出访中国 - Financial Times Indonesia’s new president heads to China for first foreign trip in office (news.google.com)
90. 分析师称,中国的经济刺激计划正在扼杀其大型银行的盈利能力 - CNBC China''s stimulus plans are choking the profitability of its megabanks, analysts say (news.google.com)
91. 特朗普入主白宫如何真正帮助中国和日本市场 - Reuters How a Trump White House could actually help China, Japan markets (news.google.com)
92. 中国财政部将于下午 4 时就债务转换计划进行简报 - Bloomberg China’s Finance Ministry to Brief at 4 p.m. on Debt Swap Program (news.google.com)
93. 中国对万斯在外交政策中的作用感到困惑:会是主要角色吗? - Nikkei Asia China puzzles over Vance''s foreign policy role: Will it be major? (news.google.com)
94. 特朗普 2.0:中国和伊姆兰-汗会考验巴基斯坦与美国的关系吗? - Al Jazeera English Trump 2.0: Will China and Imran Khan test Pakistan ties with the US? (news.google.com)
95. 美国公民因涉嫌为中国从事间谍活动在德国被捕 - The Hill US citizen arrested in Germany on suspicion of spying for China (news.google.com)
96. 交易员期待刺激政策,中国股市有望实现周线上涨 - Bloomberg Chinese Stocks Head for Weekly Gain as Traders Await Stimulus (news.google.com)
97. 关税、科技和台湾:中国希望如何防范特朗普对其经济的影响 - The Guardian Tariffs, tech and Taiwan: how China hopes to Trump-proof its economy (news.google.com)
98. 中印竞争的秘诀在于教育 - Bloomberg The Secret Sauce of the China-India Rivalry Is Education (news.google.com)
99. 从与普京大讨价还价到与中国对抗:特朗普可能改变美国世界地位的三种方式 - The Conversation A grand bargain with Putin to confrontation with China: 3 ways Trump may change America''s place in the world (news.google.com)
100. 亚洲股市收窄涨幅,焦点转向中国:市场综述 - Yahoo Finance Asian Shares Pare Gains as Focus Switches to China: Markets Wrap (news.google.com)
101. 中国国家主席祝贺特朗普获胜,称各国 "必须和睦相处 - NBC News China''s President congratulates Trump on win, says countries ''must get along'' (news.google.com)
102. 观点 朝鲜向俄罗斯派兵如何改变中国的态度 - South China Morning Post Opinion How North Korea''s troop deployment to Russia is changing attitudes in China (news.google.com)
103. 菲律宾部队在南海演习夺岛行动 - USNI News Philippine Forces Rehearse Island Seizure in South China Sea (news.google.com)
104. 朝鲜向俄罗斯派兵如何改变中国的态度 - This Week In Asia How North Korea’s troop deployment to Russia is changing attitudes in China (news.google.com)
105. 特朗普计划对中国商品征收 60% 的关税 "再通胀不过了 - MSNBC Trump’s plan to put 60% tariffs on good from China ‘couldn’t be more inflationary’ (news.google.com)
106. 中国有望宣布备受期待的财政刺激计划 - CNBC China expected to announce highly anticipated fiscal stimulus package (news.google.com)
107. 美国企业在特朗普胜选阴影下达成对华交易 - Financial Times US businesses strike China deals in shadow of Trump victory (news.google.com)
108. 中国将公布备受期待的经济刺激计划 - The Associated Press China to unveil much-anticipated economic stimulus package (news.google.com)
109. 美联储降息提振华尔街反弹,亚太市场攀升;中国全国人大会议成为焦点 - CNBC Asia-Pacific markets climb after Fed rate cut boosts Wall Street rally; China''s NPC in focus (news.google.com)
110. 视频特朗普为何面临一场输给中国的科技战争 - Bloomberg Video: Why Trump Faces a Losing Tech War Against China (news.google.com)
111. 普京称中国是俄罗斯的盟友,支持中国在台湾问题上的立场 - Reuters.com Putin says China is Russia''s ally, backs its stance on Taiwan (news.google.com)
112. 中国国家电视台在 39 集连续剧中歌颂习近平的父亲 - The Guardian Chinese state television lionises Xi Jinping’s father in 39-part serialised drama (news.google.com)
113. 这家公司已将生产迁出中国,以规避特朗普的关税 - Axios This company is already moving production out of China to avoid Trump tariffs (news.google.com)
114. 中国正在努力修复自己的经济。特朗普可能会破坏这些计划 - BBC.com China is trying to fix its economy. Trump could derail those plans (news.google.com)
115. 因担心特朗普征收关税,斯蒂芬-麦登将减少中国采购 - New York Post Steven Madden to slash sourcing from China on tariff worries under Trump (news.google.com)
116. 中国病毒式传播的数学 "神童 "的兴衰史 - BBC.com The rise and fall of China’s viral maths ''prodigy'' (news.google.com)
117. 制药巨头称阿斯利康中国区负责人因非法数据收集和药品进口调查被拘留 - Fortune AstraZeneca''s China chief detained in illegal data collection and drug import probe, pharma giant says (news.google.com)
118. 特朗普威胁加征关税,中国市场等待大规模刺激措施 - Markets Insider China Markets Await Massive Stimulus Amid Trump''s Tariff Threats (news.google.com)
119. 福布斯》中国百富榜上榜富豪财富突破 1 万亿美元 - Forbes Wealth Of China’s 100 Richest On Forbes List Tops 1 Trillion (news.google.com)
120. 特朗普的中国威胁让股票交易者青睐印度和日本 - Yahoo Finance Trump’s China Threat Has Stock Traders Favoring India, Japan (news.google.com)
121. 消息人士告诉 CNN,特朗普律师的电话被中国黑客窃听 - CNN Trump attorney’s phone tapped by Chinese hackers, sources tell CNN (news.google.com)
122. 中国精英黑客将目标名单扩大至欧盟 - CyberScoop China’s elite hackers expand target list to European Union (news.google.com)
123. 阿斯利康高管在中国被拘留,引发更广泛调查 - Endpoints News Senior AstraZeneca exec detained in China amid wider investigation (news.google.com)
124. 特朗普赢得大选可能将中美芯片战推向新高度 - Quartzy Trump''s election win could take the U.S.-China chip war to a new level (news.google.com)
125. 普拉博沃-苏比安托会向唐纳德-特朗普还是中国示好? - The Economist Will Prabowo Subianto cosy up to Donald Trump or to China? (news.google.com)
126. 特朗普新贸易战可能使中国 GDP 增速下降 2 个百分点 - Bloomberg New Trump Trade War Seen Knocking 2 Points Off China GDP Growth (news.google.com)
127. 习近平警告特朗普:贸易战再起,美国将 "输在对抗 "上 - Fox News Xi Jinping warns Trump US would ''lose from confrontation'' with China as renewed trade war looms (news.google.com)
128. 独家中国黑客不断入侵,美国机构警告员工注意手机使用安全 - The Wall Street Journal Exclusive U.S. Agency Warns Employees About Phone Use Amid Ongoing China Hack (news.google.com)
129. 特朗普执政时中国会入侵台湾吗?专家观点 - Newsweek Will China Invade Taiwan Under Trump? What Experts Think (news.google.com)
130. 特朗普说,他将把俄罗斯与中国分割开来。这是一段难以割舍的情谊。 - Business Insider Trump said he will divide Russia from China. It''s a tough bromance to break. (news.google.com)
131. 美国公民因涉嫌向中国提供军事情报在德国被捕 - NBC News U.S. citizen arrested in Germany on suspicion of offering military intelligence to China (news.google.com)
132. 大众汽车的中国危机:德国巨头能否在电动汽车价格战中幸存? - Autoblog Volkswagen’s China crisis: Can the German giant survive the EV price war? (news.google.com)
133. 中国网民怀疑本国经济是否处于 "垃圾时间" - The Economist Chinese netizens wonder if their economy is in “garbage time” (news.google.com)
134. 中国应对特朗普关税的招数这次行不通了 - The Wall Street Journal China’s Playbook for Trump Tariffs Won’t Work This Time (news.google.com)
135. 台湾和中国大陆向特朗普表示祝贺,该地区期待美国改变政策 - VOA Asia Taiwan, China congratulate Trump as region anticipates changing US policy (news.google.com)
136. 中国出口增长创 27 个月新高,特朗普关税阴影笼罩 - South China Morning Post China’s export growth hits 27-month high as Trump’s tariffs loom large (news.google.com)
137. 中国将人民币定盘价设定为 2023 年以来最弱,为人民币贬值开绿灯 - Bloomberg China Sets Yuan Fix at Weakest Since 2023, Greenlighting Decline (news.google.com)
138. 德国逮捕被控为中国从事间谍活动的美国公民 - Al Jazeera English Germany arrests US national accused of spying for China (news.google.com)
139. 东南亚电子商务淘金热吸引了从阿里巴巴到字节跳动的中国巨头 - Yahoo Finance Southeast Asia''s e-commerce gold rush draws Chinese giants from Alibaba to ByteDance (news.google.com)
140. 中国海军观看菲律宾在南海举行实战演习 - The Associated Press Chinese navy watches as Philippines conduct combat drill in the South China Sea (news.google.com)
141. 大众汽车与中国国家支持的电动汽车:生存之战--看看谁是赢家 - Autoblog Volkswagen vs. China''s state-backed EVs: A battle for survival — find out who''s winning (news.google.com)
142. 马斯克可能成为中国应对特朗普的王牌 - The Information Musk Could Prove China’s Ace in Dealing With Trump (news.google.com)
143. 特朗普获胜后,一家公司准备从中国转移生产 - The Wall Street Journal After Trump’s Victory, One Company Prepares to Shift Production From China (news.google.com)
144. "美国高级将领警告:"中国是太空军事竞赛中的共同对手 - NDTV "China Is Common Adversary In Space-Military Race", Warns Top US General (news.google.com)
145. 德国逮捕涉嫌为中国从事间谍活动的美国公民 - DW (English) Germany arrests US citizen on suspicion of spying for China (news.google.com)
146. 美国用 F-35 和 F-22 战斗机提升中国家门口的空中力量 - Newsweek US Raises Air Power on China''s Doorstep With F-35 and F-22 Jets (news.google.com)
147. 中国国家主席习近平呼吁加强与马来西亚的关系,增进 "政治互信 - South China Morning Post China’s Xi calls for stronger ties, greater ‘political trust’ with Malaysia (news.google.com)
148. 中国出口商为特朗普贸易动荡做好准备 - Nikkei Asia Chinese exporters brace for Trump trade turbulence (news.google.com)
149. 德国逮捕涉嫌向中国提供军事情报的美国公民 - Reuters Germany arrests U.S. citizen suspected of offering military intel to China (news.google.com)
150. 意大利对中国中化集团可能违反倍耐力公司治理的行为启动诉讼程序 - ABC News Italy opens procedure against China''s Sinochem for possible breach of Pirelli governance (news.google.com)
151. 缅甸领导人访问中国,呼吁中国提供经济和技术援助 - Nikkei Asia Myanmar appeals to China for economic, tech assistance as leader visits (news.google.com)
152. 议会对外事务小组推迟讨论加拿大与中国问题 - The Hindu Parliamentary panel on External Affairs defers discussion on Canada and China (news.google.com)
153. 虽然中国贸易前景不明,但美国官员称农业是一线希望 - South China Morning Post Though China trade outlook cloudy, US official says agriculture a silver lining (news.google.com)
154. 欧盟为特朗普列出了愿望清单,但支持强硬的中国议程将是众望所归 - South China Morning Post EU has wish list for Trump, but support for tough China agenda will be expected (news.google.com)
155. 特朗普的关税威胁推动台湾帮助企业从中国转移生产 - Reuters Trump''s tariff threats push Taiwan to help firms move production from China (news.google.com)
156. 中国股市反弹,经济刺激希望抵消特朗普风险 - Bloomberg Chinese Stocks Bounce Back as Stimulus Hopes Offset Trump Risks (news.google.com)
157. 特朗普胜选令华尔街的中国战略再受质疑 - Reuters Trump win casts fresh doubts over Wall Street''s China strategy (news.google.com)
158. 特朗普胜选令华尔街的中国战略再受质疑 - Yahoo Finance Trump win casts fresh doubts over Wall Street''s China strategy (news.google.com)
159. 外交部发言人毛宁2024年11月6日例行记者会_中华人民共和国外交部 - MFA China Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning''s Regular Press Conference on November 6, 2024_Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People''s Republic of China (news.google.com)
160. 恒生指数:大选获胜,中国贸易增长抵消特朗普关税担忧 - FX Empire Hang Seng Index: China Trade Growth Counters Trump Tariff Fears Amid Election Win (news.google.com)
161. 中国将人民币定盘价设定为 2023 年以来最弱,以应对美国关税风险 - Yahoo Finance China Sets Yuan Fix at Weakest Since 2023 Amid US Tariff Risk (news.google.com)
163. "最先进的侧卫战斗机"--中国具备弹射能力的歼-15T 战斗机首次亮相珠海航展 - EurAsian Times “Most Advanced Flanker” — China’s Catapult-Capable J-15T Fighter Lands At Zhuhai for Airshow Debut (news.google.com)
164. 中国出口飙升,北京准备应对唐纳德-特朗普领导下的新一轮贸易紧张局势 - Financial Times Chinese exports soar as Beijing prepares for renewed trade tensions under Donald Trump (news.google.com)
165. 特朗普的中国威胁令投资者青睐印度和日本股市 - Bloomberg Trump’s China Threat Has Investors Favoring India, Japan Stocks (news.google.com)
166. 中国出口超预期增长,工厂抢在特朗普关税威胁前头 - Reuters China''s exports soar past forecast as factories front-run Trump tariff threat (news.google.com)
167. 越南为何对与马来西亚的南海争端保持沉默 - South China Morning Post Why Vietnam is staying silent on South China Sea dispute with Malaysia (news.google.com)
168. 世界拭目以待特朗普如何重塑美国对贸易、中国和安全的态度 - South China Morning Post World waits to see how Trump reshapes US approach to trade, China and security (news.google.com)
169. 中国悬崖边的咖啡馆提供 56 美元的死亡咖啡和台湾美景 - CNN Cliffside café in China serves death-defying 56 coffee with a view of Taiwan (news.google.com)
170. 中国 10 月出口大幅超预期,进口降幅超预期 - CNBC China October exports sharply beat estimates, imports decline more than expected (news.google.com)
171. 特朗普获胜并威胁征收更多关税,引发对中国采取更多刺激措施的预期 - CNBC Trump win and threat of more tariffs raises expectations for more China stimulus (news.google.com)
172. 分析人士称,特朗普可能会限制伊朗石油,但中国可能不会配合 - The Times of Israel Trump may restrict Iranian oil but China might not play along, analysts say (news.google.com)
173. 分析:习近平的家教禁令如何适得其反 - Nikkei Asia Analysis: How Xi Jinping''s tutoring school ban backfired (news.google.com)
174. 中国将免签证政策扩大至包括韩国在内的另外 9 个国家 - CNBC China extends visa-free policy to 9 more countries — including South Korea (news.google.com)
175. 与中国关系紧张 SpaceX要求 "星链 "供应商离开台湾 - PCMag SpaceX Asked Starlink Suppliers to Leave Taiwan Amid Tensions With China (news.google.com)
176. 特朗普胜选后中国股市下跌,关税承诺迫在眉睫 - Yahoo Finance China stocks fall after Trump''s win as tariff promises loom (news.google.com)
177. 中国拘留阿斯利康高管 - The Wall Street Journal China Has Detained Senior AstraZeneca Executive (news.google.com)
178. 中国黑客获取了大量美国人的手机记录 - POLITICO Chinese hackers gained access to huge trove of Americans’ cell records (news.google.com)
179. 中国官方 "不关心 "特朗普胜选;专家称中国政府已被激怒 - Fox News China officially ''doesn''t care'' about Trump win; unofficially, experts say Beijing is rattled (news.google.com)
180. 分析师称,特朗普可能会强化伊朗石油立场,但难以阻止石油流向中国 - Reuters Trump could harden Iran oil stance but struggle to stem flow to China, analysts say (news.google.com)
181. 特朗普承诺提高关税。中国和墨西哥感受到威胁。 - Barron's Trump Promises Higher Tariffs. China and Mexico Feel the Threat. (news.google.com)
182. 与中国关系紧张 SpaceX要求 "星链 "供应商离开台湾 - Yahoo! Voices SpaceX Asked Starlink Suppliers to Leave Taiwan Amid Tensions With China (news.google.com)
183. 中国警告水兵不要在交友软件上炫耀军人身份 - Business Insider China Warns Sailors Not to Show Off Military Status on Dating Apps (news.google.com)
184. 中国年轻人不再看电影了吗? - Hollywood Reporter Are Young People in China Done With Going to the Movies? (news.google.com)
186. 在非洲超越中国和美国的新投资超级大国 - The Wall Street Journal The New Investment Superpower Outflanking China and the U.S. in Africa (news.google.com)
187. 菲律宾军队在模拟战斗中夺回一座岛屿,中国海军在一旁观战 - ABC News Philippine forces retake an island in mock combat as China''s navy watches (news.google.com)
188. "如果......你就能战胜中国":唐纳德-特朗普关于中国的重要讲话 - NDTV "You Can Win Against China If...": Key Remarks Made By Donald Trump About China (news.google.com)
189. 中国将于 2026 年发射用于乘员和月球的新型火箭 - SpaceNews China’s new rocket for crew and moon to launch in 2026 (news.google.com)
190. 尽管 60% 的关税可能引发混乱,但习近平已为应对特朗普做好充分准备 - Bloomberg Xi Is Better Prepared for Trump Even as 60% Tariffs Risk Chaos (news.google.com)
191. 特朗普大获全胜 "漫画在中国股价飙升,"哈里斯 "漫画股价下跌 - Fortune ‘Trump wins big’ meme stock soars in China, ‘Harris’ shares drop (news.google.com)
192. 在中国,埃隆-马斯克冉冉升起的新星为美国的参与带来了希望 - South China Morning Post In China, Elon Musk’s rising star raises hopes for US engagement (news.google.com)
193. 亚洲为特朗普第二任期对中国征收巨额关税做好准备 - Financial Times Asia braces for steep China tariffs in second Trump term (news.google.com)
194. 中国准备迎接唐纳德-特朗普的回归 - Bloomberg China Braces for Battle With the Return of Donald Trump (news.google.com)
195. 菲律宾军队在模拟战斗中夺回一座岛屿,中国海军在一旁观战 - The Associated Press Philippine forces retake an island in mock combat as China’s navy watches (news.google.com)
196. 中国在电动汽车电池循环经济领域的领先地位不断提升 - Asia Times China’s surging lead in the EV battery circular economy (news.google.com)
197. 中国海军警告 "千禧一代 "和 "Z世代 "水兵不要在交友软件上展示自己的军衔以吸引关注 - Yahoo News China''s navy warned its millennial and Gen Z sailors not to display their military credentials to attract attention on dating apps (news.google.com)
198. 特朗普大选获胜:为什么这次中国经济更容易受到任何新关税的影响? - Reuters Trump election victory: Why China''s economy is more vulnerable to any new tariffs this time (news.google.com)
199. 特朗普获胜对乌克兰、中东和中国意味着什么? - BBC.com What Trump''s win means for Ukraine, Middle East and China (news.google.com)
200. 中国被绑架者 34 年后与家人团聚,因金钱纠纷再次分裂 - South China Morning Post China abductee reunites with family after 34 years, splits again over money row (news.google.com)
201. 卫星照片显示中国地下潜艇基地的新活动 - Newsweek Satellite Photo Shows New Activity at China''s Underground Submarine Base (news.google.com)
202. 特朗普的胜利对乌克兰、中东、中国和世界其他地区意味着什么? - The Conversation What Trump''s victory means for Ukraine, the Middle East, China and the rest of the world (news.google.com)
203. 中国判处国家机密泄露者死刑 - Al Jazeera English China hands death sentence to state secrets leaker (news.google.com)
204. 中国欢迎缅甸陷入困境的领导人自政变以来的首次访问 - BBC.com China welcomes Myanmar''s embattled leader on first visit since coup (news.google.com)
205. 唐纳德-特朗普宣布赢得美国大选,中国人民币大幅下跌 - South China Morning Post China’s yuan falls sharply as Donald Trump declares US election win (news.google.com)
209. 澳大利亚间谍头目称西方面临新的俄罗斯、中国、伊朗和朝鲜 "轴心 - Al Jazeera English Australia spy chief says West faces new Russia, China, Iran, N Korea ‘axis’ (news.google.com)
210. 国营媒体称中俄达成加强低空防御协议 - South China Morning Post China and Russia close deal to ramp up low-altitude defences, state media says (news.google.com)
211. 美国在太平洋地区的安全盟友帕劳在中国的注视下举行总统选举 - NBC News Palau, U.S. security ally in Pacific, holds presidential election as China looks on (news.google.com)
212. 中国最新人造太阳启动新一轮物理实验,首次纳入 "超级眼 - Global Times China''s latest artificial sun launches new round of physical experiments, incorporating ''super eye'' for the first time (news.google.com)
213. 朝鲜卷入乌克兰事件,中国陷入微妙平衡之中 - The Guardian North Korea’s involvement in Ukraine draws China into a delicate balancing act (news.google.com)
214. 在美国等待大选结果之际,中国国家媒体聚焦美国分歧 - CNN China’s state media focuses on US divisions as America awaits election results (news.google.com)
215. 美国大选接近尾声,有一点可以肯定:对中国征收更多关税 - South China Morning Post In close US election, 1 thing is certain: more tariffs on China (news.google.com)
216. 中国国家机密泄露事件导致前雇员罕见被判死刑 - Reuters China''s state secrets leak prompts rare death sentence for ex-employee (news.google.com)
217. 国营媒体:中国将引进俄罗斯技术和专家以增强低空防御能力 - South China Morning Post China to import Russian tech, experts to boost low-altitude defence: state media (news.google.com)
218. 中国与沙特的金融联系不断加深 - Business Insider The financial ties between China and Saudi Arabia keep getting deeper (news.google.com)
219. 分析人士称北京-欧盟关税争端不太可能 "走得太远 - CNBC As China approaches WTO, analysts say Beijing-EU tariff spat unlikely to go ''too far'' (news.google.com)
220. 中国如何在全球造船业中占据举足轻重的地位 - TradeWinds How China has taken a generational grip on the global shipbuilding industry (news.google.com)
221. 明星对冲基金在中国的突飞猛进受到美国起诉的威胁 - Bloomberg Star Hedge Fund’s Surge in China Threatened by US Indictment (news.google.com)
222. 报道:中国在新型 "死星 "激光武器上取得突破性进展 - New York Post China makes breakthrough advance in new ''Death Star'' laser weapon: report (news.google.com)
223. 市场蓬勃发展,中国新增股票账户创九年新高 - Bloomberg China’s New Stock Accounts Hit Nine-Year High as Market Booms (news.google.com)
224. 中国央行在备受关注的会议上确认支持性货币政策立场 - CNBC China''s central bank affirms supportive monetary policy stance at closely watched meeting (news.google.com)
225. 俄罗斯、伊朗和中国都在试图左右美国选民的选情 - NPR Russia, Iran and China are all trying to sway American voters this election (news.google.com)
226. 因中国 "窃取 "其技术而恼火,美国顶尖公司改变政策以帮助美国获得人工智能优势 - EurAsian Times Ruffled By China “Stealing” Its Tech, Top American Firm Changes Its Policy To Help U.S. Gain A.I. Supremacy (news.google.com)
227. 没有任何借口中国各省推动官员实现年度增长目标 - South China Morning Post ‘No excuses’: China’s provinces push officials to hit annual growth targets (news.google.com)
229. 从台湾到贸易,美国总统竞选结束后中国将面临更多竞争 - Reuters From Taiwan to trade, China braces for more rivalry as close US presidential race ends (news.google.com)
230. 中国总理表示 "完全有信心 "中国疲软的经济在刺激政策不断加强的情况下实现 5%的增长目标 - Fortune China premier says he''s ''fully confident'' country''s sluggish economy will hit 5% growth target as stimulus grows (news.google.com)
231. 独家报道中国黑客对美国官员实施了大规模间谍活动,可能导致数千人失去联系 - The Wall Street Journal Exclusive China Hack Enabled Vast Spying on U.S. Officials, Likely Ensnaring Thousands of Contacts (news.google.com)
232. 中国海信集团高层表示将在两年内成为美国第一大电视机公司 - CNBC China''s Hisense aims to become the No. 1 TV company in the U.S. within 2 years, top executive says (news.google.com)
233. 阿斯利康股价因中国调查可能带来的影响而下跌 - CNBC AstraZeneca shares fall on report of potential China probe fallout (news.google.com)
235. 伊朗对中国的石油供应五年来最昂贵,因为装载量下降 - OilPrice.com Iran''s Oil Supply to China Most Expensive in Five Years As Loadings Fall (news.google.com)
236. 一名巴基斯坦警卫在卡拉奇打伤两名中国工人 - The Associated Press A Pakistani guard wounds 2 Chinese workers in Karachi (news.google.com)
237. 罗尼-奥沙利文在国际锦标赛上被庞俊旭击败 - BBC.com Ronnie O''Sullivan beaten by Pang Junxu at International Championship (news.google.com)
238. 中国就基于气候的贸易限制与欧洲交锋 - The New York Times China Confronts Europe Over Climate-Based Trade Restrictions (news.google.com)
239. 在中国,对政权更迭的恐惧左右着美国的政策。原因如下 - South China Morning Post In China, fear of regime change has shaped US policy. Here’s why (news.google.com)
241. 伊朗对中国的石油供应五年来最昂贵,因为装载量下降 - OilPrice.com Iran’s Oil Supply to China Most Expensive in Five Years As Loadings Fall (news.google.com)
242. 中国的新型重型火箭看起来很像 SpaceX 的星际飞船 - WIRED China’s New Heavy Lift Rocket Looks a Whole Lot Like SpaceX’s Starship (news.google.com)
243. 中国将在沙特阿拉伯发行三年来首笔美元债券 - Financial Times China to issue first dollar bond in three years in Saudi Arabia (news.google.com)
244. 中国总理称政策正在提振经济,警告不要征收关税 - Nikkei Asia China''s premier says policies are buoying economy, warns against tariffs (news.google.com)
245. 中国媒体如何报道美国大选的 "空前混乱"? - Bloomberg How China''s Media is Reporting on ‘Unprecedented Chaos’ of US Election (news.google.com)
248. 中国警告军人禁止网上交友和赌博 - VOA Asia China warns military members against online dating, gambling (news.google.com)
249. 特斯拉中国提供 Giga 上海之旅奖励 - TESLARATI Tesla China offers Giga Shanghai tour incentive (news.google.com)
250. 独家在中国,对政权更迭的恐惧左右着美国的政策。原因如下 - South China Morning Post Exclusive In China, fear of regime change has shaped US policy. Here’s why (news.google.com)
251. 中国就欧盟对中国电动汽车征收关税向世界贸易组织提出申诉 - The Associated Press China files complaint at World Trade Organization over EU tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles (news.google.com)
252. J-35A:中国第二款隐形战斗机准备在珠海航展上正式亮相;解放军正在追赶美国? - EurAsian Times J-35A: China’s 2nd Stealth Fighter Ready For Official Unveiling At Zhuhai Airshow; PLA Catching-Up With USA? (news.google.com)
253. 中国歼-20 "猛龙 "设计者推出 "ChatGPT 军用",可使用 EW 无人机攻击敌方雷达 - EurAsian Times China’s J-20 Mighty Dragon’s Designer Unveils “ChatGPT Military” That Can Attack Enemy Radars With EW Drones (news.google.com)
254. 主办方称,在阿里巴巴数学竞赛中令中国惊叹的少年得到了老师的帮助 - NBC News Teen who wowed China in Alibaba math contest got help from teacher, organizers say (news.google.com)
255. 中国正在其偏远的喜马拉雅山边境修建新的村庄。有些村庄似乎已经越界 - CNN China is building new villages on its remote Himalayan border. Some appear to have crossed the line (news.google.com)
256. 卡拉奇枪击案造成两名中国公民受伤 - The Times of India Shooting in Karachi injures two Chinese nationals (news.google.com)
257. 六个城市,一个问题:中国房地产市场是否出现转机? - Financial Times Six cities, one question: is China’s property market turning a corner? (news.google.com)
258. 中国经济有望刺激股市,数据令人鼓舞 - Bloomberg Chinese Stocks Get a Boost From Stimulus Hopes, Encouraging Data (news.google.com)
259. 为什么越来越多的中国小城市游客前往海外? - South China Morning Post Why are more tourists from small Chinese cities heading overseas? (news.google.com)
260. 中国男子有 1 个妻子、4 个情人,他们都住在同一个小区,却互不相识 - South China Morning Post Chinese man has 1 wife, 4 lovers, all living in same complex, unaware of each other (news.google.com)
261. 中国将推出 J-35A 隐形战斗机,空军旨在与美国的空中力量相抗衡 - CNN China to unveil J-35A stealth fighter jet as air force aims to match US aerial power (news.google.com)
262. 中国要求增加婴儿数量的最新呼声可能被置若罔闻 - Reuters China''s latest cry for more babies may fall on deaf ears (news.google.com)
263. 缅甸军政府首脑政变后首次访问盟国中国 - Al Jazeera English Myanmar military government chief on first visit to ally China since coup (news.google.com)
264. 习近平敦促中国各省耐心公正地推进经济改革 - South China Morning Post Xi urges China’s provinces to be patient and fair in push for economic reforms (news.google.com)
265. 中国 "人造太阳 "开始数字孪生技术新实验 - CGTN China''s ''artificial sun'' starts new experiments with digital twin tech (news.google.com)
266. 中国警告年轻士兵不要在网上约会和赌博 - Reuters China warns young soldiers against online dating, gambling (news.google.com)
267. 中国在日益严峻的挑战中努力提高出生率 - VOA Asia China attempts to boost birth rate amid mounting challenges (news.google.com)
268. 研究人员:美国日益支持遏制中国科技发展可能加剧人才流失 - South China Morning Post US’ growing support for China tech curbs could advance brain drain: researchers (news.google.com)
269. 挪威展示了中国在汽车领域的进步 - Financial Times Norway shows just how China has advanced in cars (news.google.com)
270. 暂停三年后中国将在境外发行美元债券 - Bloomberg China Set to Issue Dollar Bonds Offshore After Three-Year Hiatus (news.google.com)
272. 菲律宾再次要求中国就海上冲突损害赔偿 100 万美元 - This Week In Asia Philippines renews demand China pay US1 million for sea clash damages (news.google.com)
273. 中国首台 CAP1400 开始供电 - World Nuclear News China''s first CAP1400 begins supplying power (news.google.com)
274. 中国的繁文缛节让数十亿美元的交易陷入困境 - Bloomberg Chinese Red Tape Leaves Billions of Dollars of Deals in Limbo (news.google.com)
275. 为什么中国太阳能产业的繁荣对其领军企业来说是一场灾难? - The Wall Street Journal Why China’s Solar Boom Is a Bust for Its Leading Players (news.google.com)
276. 中国足球超级联赛正慢慢从过去的过剩中恢复过来 - ESPN Chinese Super League slowly recovering from excess of the past (news.google.com)
277. 总理称中国必须进一步开放以应对单边主义的抬头 - Reuters China must open up further to combat rising unilateralism, premier says (news.google.com)
278. 中国最高立法机构会议召开之际,中国审议债务置换计划 - Bloomberg China Reviews Debt Swap Plan as Top Legislature Meeting Begins (news.google.com)
279. 中国第二把手对经济复苏充满信心 - Bloomberg China’s No. 2 Official Projects Confidence in Economic Recovery (news.google.com)
280. 刺激政策后中国服务业增长超预期 - Bloomberg China Services Growth Picks Up More Than Expected After Stimulus (news.google.com)
281. 即时新闻:中国股市在美国大选前表现出色 - Financial Times Live news: Chinese equities outperform ahead of US election (news.google.com)
282. 专家预测:如果特朗普获胜,中国的财政刺激计划可能扩大 20 - South China Morning Post China’s fiscal stimulus plan could expand by 20% if Trump wins, experts predict (news.google.com)
283. 亚洲股市因大选忧虑而下挫,中国受积极的采购经理人指数提振 - Investing.com Asia stocks dip amid election jitters, China buoyed by positive PMI (news.google.com)
284. 美国大选和中国全国人大会议召开前油价下跌 - Reuters Oil edges down ahead of US election, China NPC meeting (news.google.com)
285. 财新服务业采购经理人指数显示,中国服务业活动随着条件改善而回升 - Reuters China''s services activity picks up as conditions improve, Caixin PMI shows (news.google.com)
286. 欧盟下任贸易负责人称中国是 "最具挑战性的贸易伙伴 - South China Morning Post China ‘most challenging trade partner’, says EU’s next trade chief (news.google.com)
288. 美国在联合国指责俄罗斯和中国包庇朝鲜 - Reuters US accuses Russia, China of shielding North Korea at UN (news.google.com)
289. 中国立法者审议提高地方政府债务上限议案 - Nikkei Asia China''s lawmakers review bill to raise local government debt ceilings (news.google.com)
290. 中国 "神舟十八号 "返回地面任务创纪录 - Newsweek Record-breaking from China''s Shenzou-18 mission return to Earth (news.google.com)
291. 中国航母打击群部署菲律宾海 - USNI News Chinese Carrier Strike Group Deploys to Philippine Sea (news.google.com)
293. 菲律宾为夺取南海岛礁举行军事演习 - ABC News Philippine military drills to seize an island in the South China Sea (news.google.com)
294. 在某些军事力量领域,中国已超过美国 - The Economist In some areas of military strength, China has surpassed America (news.google.com)
295. 孔子曰正确理解中美 "竞争 "的定义 - Responsible Statecraft Confucius says: Get the definition of US-China ‘competition’ right (news.google.com)
296. 太平洋发现中国航母打击群 - Newsweek Chinese Aircraft Carrier Strike Group Spotted in Pacific (news.google.com)
297. 观看太空任务在轨道上飞行 6 个月后返回地球 - CNN See space mission land back on Earth after six months in orbit (news.google.com)
298. 美国将军警告:中国军舰可能使用秘鲁的大型新港口 - Financial Times Chinese warships could use Peru’s big new port, US general warns (news.google.com)
299. 中国为何叫停有数百年历史的中尼边境婚姻? - The Diplomat Why Has China Halted Centuries-old Sino-Nepal Borderland Marriages? (news.google.com)
300. CPCA 估计,中国 10 月新能源汽车批发量达到创纪录的 140 万辆 - CnEVPost China Oct NEV wholesale at record 1.4 million, CPCA estimates show (news.google.com)