1. 菲律宾警告南海战争为何不必大惊小怪 - South China Morning Post Why Philippine warning of South China Sea war may not be cause for serious alarm (news.google.com)
2. 海军为中国冲突做好准备,公布新战略 - Fox News Navy prepares for China conflict with newly announced strategy (news.google.com)
3. 中欧谈判未能在电动汽车争端上取得突破 - Euronews EU-China talks fail to deliver breakthrough on electric cars dispute (news.google.com)
4. 斯里兰卡总统在投票前向 NDTV 谈论中国日益增长的影响力 - NDTV Ahead Of Lankan Polls, President Tells NDTV About China's Growing Presence (news.google.com)
5. 世界上最大的飞轮储能并入中国电网 - Energy-Storage.news World's largest flywheel energy storage connects to China grid (news.google.com)
6. 中国辽宁舰航母打击群部署菲律宾海 - USNI News China’s Liaoning Carrier Strike Group Deploys to Philippine Sea (news.google.com)
8. 参议员提出制裁中国海上民兵支持者的新法案 - Defense News Senators offer new bill to sanction backers of China maritime militia (news.google.com)
9. 世界最大造船厂正帮助美国赶上中国海军的步伐 - The Wall Street Journal The World’s Largest Shipyard Is Helping the U.S. Catch Up to China's Navy (news.google.com)
10. 中国经济衰退与坎耶-维斯特(Kanye West)互帮互助 - Los Angeles Times China’s flagging economy -- and Kanye West -- give each other a helping hand (news.google.com)
11. 中国大陆对台湾台塑集团高管实施出境禁令 - South China Morning Post Mainland China puts exit ban on Taiwan Formosa Plastics Group exec (news.google.com)
13. 中国攻击台湾时应担心欧洲 - Foreign Policy China Should Worry About Europe if It Attacks Taiwan (news.google.com)
14. 美国和盟国夺取中国大规模科技间谍网络的控制权 - The Washington Post U.S. and allies seize control of massive Chinese tech spying network (news.google.com)
15. MVRDV 在中国羽毛球训练中心竞标中胜出 - ArchDaily MVRDV Wins Competition for Badminton Training Center in China (news.google.com)
16. 观点 | 针对中国只会毒化中美关系,对美国毫无帮助 - South China Morning Post Opinion | Targeting China will just poison ties without helping the US (news.google.com)
17. 中国同性伴侣可在台湾合法登记结婚 - The Times of India China's same-sex couples can legally register marriage in Taiwan (news.google.com)
18. 国家冲突,儿童受害:解读中国的收养禁令 - The Hill When nations clash, children suffer: Unpacking China’s adoption ban (news.google.com)
19. 排放峰值对中国和世界意味着什么? - Nature.com What does peak emissions mean for China — and the world? (news.google.com)
20. 中国官员包养58名员工当情人,臭名昭著,因腐败入狱 - South China Morning Post China official infamous for keeping 58 staff members as lovers jailed for corruption (news.google.com)
21. 中国寻找英伟达的国内竞争对手--但事实证明这很有挑战性 - CNBC China looks for domestic Nvidia rival — but that's proving challenging (news.google.com)
22. 美国抱怨中国产能过剩损害国内企业利益 - Semafor US complains China overcapacity is harming domestic companies (news.google.com)
23. 水果和海鲜成为台海紧张局势升级的最新阵地 - The Associated Press Fruit and seafood are the latest front in escalating Taiwan-China tensions (news.google.com)
24. 美国无视中国对其导弹发射器的抗议,中国做出回应 - Newsweek China Responds as US Ignores Protest Over Missile Launcher on Doorstep (news.google.com)
25. 中国的 H-6 轰炸机:部署在和田、喀什和日喀则空军基地的中国人民解放军空军 "导弹卡车 "在冲突爆发时有多大杀伤力? - EurAsian Times China’s H-6 Bombers: Deployed In Hotan, Kashgar & Shigatse AFB, How Lethal Are PLAAF ‘Missile Trucks’ If A Clash Erupts? (news.google.com)
26. 中国国有巨头在前景广阔的南海资产的地标性设施启动石油生产 - Upstream Online Chinese state giant fires up oil production from landmark facility at promising South China Sea asset (news.google.com)
27. 这些分析师认为,布莱恩-尼科尔的过去可能有助于星巴克在中国的复苏。原因如下 - Investopedia These Analysts Say Brian Niccol's Past Could Help Starbucks' China Recovery. Here's Why. (news.google.com)
28. Breakingviews - 美联储向中国施以援手 - Reuters Breakingviews - The Fed gives China several helping hands (news.google.com)
29. 中国将加大政策力度振兴经济,但不会采取 "火箭筒 "式刺激措施 - Reuters China to ramp up policy steps to revive economy but no 'bazooka' stimulus seen (news.google.com)
31. 几十年来,美国在核聚变领域一直处于领先地位。现在,中国有望赢得这场竞赛 - CNN The US led on nuclear fusion for decades. Now China is in position to win the race (news.google.com)
32. 美国海军为 2027 年可能爆发的战争做准备:美国海军上将 - Business Insider US Navy Planning for Possible War by 2027 Amid China Concerns: Admiral (news.google.com)
33. 印度在 MSCI 全球股票指数中的排名超越中国,推动资金流动 - Yahoo Finance India Eclipsing China in MSCI Global Stock Gauges to Drive Flows (news.google.com)
34. 中国宣布制裁向台湾出售武器的美国公司 - The Associated Press China announces sanctions on US companies selling arms to self-ruled Taiwan (news.google.com)
35. 预计中国将下调主要政策利率和贷款基准:路透调查 - Yahoo Finance China expected to trim main policy rate and lending benchmarks: Reuters poll (news.google.com)
36. 预计中国将下调主要政策利率和贷款基准:路透调查 - Reuters China expected to trim main policy rate and lending benchmarks: Reuters poll (news.google.com)
37. 隐性债务增加,中国对陷入困境的地区发出严厉警告 - South China Morning Post As hidden debt mounts, China issues strict warning for struggling regions (news.google.com)
38. 东京要求对 10 岁日本男童在中国被刺身亡事件做出答复 - The Guardian Tokyo demands answers over fatal stabbing of 10-year-old Japanese boy in China (news.google.com)
40. 北极的俄罗斯与中国:不尽如人意 - The Diplomat Russia and China in the Arctic: Less Than Meets the Eye (news.google.com)
41. 中国:世界各国领导人必须采取行动,结束被监禁的维吾尔族学者十年来所遭受的不公正待遇 - Amnesty International China: World leaders must act to end decade of injustice for jailed Uyghur academic (news.google.com)
42. 中国希望能有一个英伟达(Nvidia)的国内竞争对手,但事实证明这是一个相当大的挑战 - CNBC China would love a domestic Nvidia rival — but that's proving quite the challenge (news.google.com)
43. 中国10岁男童在日本学校附近发生的新刺杀事件中丧生 - CNN Schoolboy, 10, killed in new China stabbing attack near Japanese school (news.google.com)
44. 中国对稀土材料 "70% 的控制 "威胁军需中断,削弱从美国到日本的项目 - EurAsian Times China’s “70% Grip” On Rare Earth Materials Threatens Disruption Of Military Supplies, Undercuts Projects From U.S. To Japan (news.google.com)
45. 中国失败的美国游说策略使科技公司面临风险 - Bloomberg China’s Failing US Lobby Playbook Puts Tech Companies at Risk (news.google.com)
46. 独家报道中国紧张局势加剧,美国在菲律宾保留导弹系统,测试战时部署 - Reuters Exclusive: US keeps missile system in Philippines as China tensions rise, tests wartime deployment (news.google.com)
47. 我们深受打击":中国关闭外国收养大门带来的痛苦 - The Guardian ‘It breaks us deeply’: anguish as China closes door to foreign adoptions (news.google.com)
48. 被拘留在中国的美国人的家人分担痛苦,敦促美国送他们回家 - The Associated Press Families of Americans detained in China share their pain and urge US to get them home (news.google.com)
49. 台湾警告说,中国军事活动日益频繁,使战争转向更难察觉 - Financial Times China's growing military activity makes a shift to war harder to spot, Taiwan warns (news.google.com)
50. 分析:"砸铁锅"--大跃进成语重回中国 - Nikkei Asia Analysis: 'Smash iron woks' -- a Great Leap Forward idiom returns to China (news.google.com)
52. 中国称将就欧盟电动汽车调查 "谈判至最后一刻 - Yahoo Finance China says will negotiate 'until the last minute' on EU EV probe (news.google.com)
53. 据 NHK 报道,在中国被刺伤的日本男童已确认死亡 - Reuters Japanese schoolboy stabbed in China confirmed dead, NHK reports (news.google.com)
54. 中国航母前所未有地接近日本 - ABC News Chinese aircraft carrier comes closer than ever to Japan (news.google.com)
55. 习近平为中国数百万高薪工人带来危机 - Bloomberg Xi Unleashes a Crisis for Millions of China’s Best-Paid Workers (news.google.com)
56. 国会听闻中国在准备下一场战争方面迅速超过美国 - South China Morning Post China quickly outpacing US in preparing for next war, Congress hears (news.google.com)
57. 美国官员:中国对俄罗斯乌克兰战争的支持 "来自最高层 - VOA Asia US official: China's support for Russia's war effort in Ukraine 'comes from very top' (news.google.com)
58. 投资者担忧中国风险,达里奥淡化美联储下一步行动 - Yahoo Finance Dalio Downplays Next Fed Move as Investors Flag China Risks (news.google.com)
59. 长期看好中国经济的雷-达里奥(Ray Dalio)担心中国经济将面临与 1990 年的日本一样严重的问题 - Fortune Longtime China bull Ray Dalio fears economy faces problems as severe as Japan in 1990 (news.google.com)
60. 美国称中国带来的挑战超过冷战时期 - Reuters.com US says challenges posed by China exceed those of Cold War (news.google.com)
61. 海豹突击队可能正在训练台湾,以击败可能的中国入侵:专家 - Business Insider Navy SEALs May Be Training Taiwan to Defeat Possible China Invasion: Experts (news.google.com)
62. 中国歼-16 与 P-8 波塞冬 "冲突":北京发布 2022 年在南沙拦截皇家空军飞机的视频 - EurAsian Times China’s J-16’s ‘Clash’ With P-8 Poseidon: Beijing Releases Video Of 2022 Interception Of RAAF Aircraft In SCS (news.google.com)
63. 北京在南海的行动引发美国驻新加坡特使的担忧 - This Week In Asia Beijing’s actions in South China Sea spark concern from US envoy to Singapore (news.google.com)
64. 红海和乌克兰黑海海战的经验教训有助于海军为可能与中国发生的冲突做好准备 - The Associated Press Lessons from Red Sea and Ukraine's Black Sea fight help prep Navy for possible conflict with China (news.google.com)
65. 中国中秋月饼销售跌回谷底,消费困境拖累月饼销量 - South China Morning Post China’s Mid-Autumn mooncake sales fall back to Earth as consumption woes weigh (news.google.com)
66. 视频:台风 "贝碧嘉 "在中国制造潮汐漩涡 - CNN Video: Typhoon Bebinca creates tidal bores in China (news.google.com)
67. 在中国太有争议的书店在华盛顿找到了家 - NPR A bookstore too controversial for China finds home in D.C. (news.google.com)
68. 黎巴嫩寻呼机爆炸事件有望促使中国提高警惕 - South China Morning Post Lebanon pager blasts expected to prompt greater caution in China (news.google.com)
69. 中国就对台军售制裁美国防务公司 - Al Jazeera English China sanctions US defence firms over arms sales to Taiwan (news.google.com)
70. 马来西亚国王将访问中国,希望获得基础设施支持 - Reuters.com Malaysia's king to visit China, eyes infrastructure support (news.google.com)
71. 中国 10 岁学生在日本学校附近被刺伤 - The New York Times 10-Year-Old Student Is Stabbed Near Japanese School in China (news.google.com)
72. 敏感的 918 周年纪念日,来自日本学校的儿童在中国被刺伤 - South China Morning Post Child from Japanese school stabbed in China on sensitive 918 anniversary (news.google.com)
73. 外国人离了解中国还有多远? - The Economist How close can a foreigner get to understanding China? (news.google.com)
74. 中国宣布制裁向台湾出售武器的美国公司 - ABC News China announces sanctions on US companies selling arms to self-ruled Taiwan (news.google.com)
76. 中国芯片股因政府设备清单而大涨 - Yahoo Finance China chip stocks surge on government equipment list (news.google.com)
77. 中国的技术驱动力导致年轻人失业 - DW (English) China's technology drive leaves young people jobless (news.google.com)
78. 中俄北极战争演习刺激美国做出反应,阿拉斯加官员警告只有实力才能遏制危机 - Fox News Russo-Chinese Arctic war games spur US response as Alaska officials warn only strength can deter crisis (news.google.com)
80. 达里奥淡化美联储下一步行动,投资者警告中国风险 - Bloomberg Dalio Downplays Fed’s Next Move as Investors Warn of China Risks (news.google.com)
81. 中国就对台武器销售对9家美国公司采取反制措施 - Reuters China sets countermeasures against 9 US firms over weapons sales to Taiwan (news.google.com)
82. [新闻] 美日即将达成限制向中国出口芯片技术的协议 - TrendForce [News] US and Japan on the Verge of Deal to Restrict Chip Technology Exports to China (news.google.com)
83. 中国军方指挥官确认美国导弹系统可 "刺痛 "解放军,打乱入侵台湾计划 - EurAsian Times China’s Military Commander Identifies U.S. Missile System That Can “Sting” PLA, Disrupt Taiwan Invasion Plans (news.google.com)
84. 中国贸易老板来到布鲁塞尔开展 "不要对我的汽车征税 "之旅 - POLITICO Europe Chinese trade boss comes to Brussels on Don’t Tax My Car tour (news.google.com)
85. 印度与中国通过新的外交和边境努力释放关系解冻信号 - South China Morning Post India and China signal thaw in ties with fresh diplomatic, border efforts (news.google.com)
86. 美国和菲律宾应向中国虚张声势 - Foreign Affairs Magazine America and the Philippines Should Call China’s Bluff (news.google.com)
87. 中国为何寻求在非洲扩大影响力--金融交易背后的战略 - The Conversation Indonesia Why China is seeking greater presence in Africa – the strategy behind its financial deals (news.google.com)
88. 中国在核技术和空间技术领域发展强劲 - CGTN China shows robust development in nuclear and space technologies (news.google.com)
89. 中国紧张局势升级,韩国成为美国最大投资国 - Financial Times South Korea emerges as a top US investor as China tensions escalate (news.google.com)
90. 北上广房价超跌的阴影笼罩南方强国 - Reuters Ultra-weak home prices in northern China arrive in southern powerhouses (news.google.com)
91. 不要让美联储的噪音淹没来自中国的信号 - Bloomberg Don’t Let Fed Noise Drown Out the Signal From China (news.google.com)
92. 缅甸侨民在中国驻华盛顿大使馆举行抗议活动 - VOA Asia Myanmar diaspora protests at Chinese Embassy in Washington (news.google.com)
93. 失踪的女孩中国的独生子女政策如何拆散家庭 - The Wall Street Journal The Missing Girls: How China’s One-Child Policy Tore Families Apart (news.google.com)
94. 中国商务部长表示,电动汽车关税将损害德国和中国的利益 - Reuters EV tariffs will damage Germany, China, says Chinese commerce minister (news.google.com)
95. 达里奥看到中国的 "现实问题",保持少量投资 - Bloomberg Dalio Sees ‘Real Issues’ in China, Keeps Small Exposure (news.google.com)
96. 中国 "申村 "如何抢占快时尚供应链 - Financial Times How China’s ‘Shein village’ grabbed the fast fashion supply chain (news.google.com)
97. 中国在太平洋的战争并非 "迫在眉睫",但威胁正在增加:美国空军 - Business Insider China War in Pacific Not 'Imminent' but Threat Growing: US Air Force (news.google.com)
98. 观点 | 如果中国停止拯救世界会怎样? - The New York Times Opinion | What Happens if China Stops Trying to Save the World? (news.google.com)
99. 中国和俄罗斯正在加强联合军事演习。它们的最终目标是什么? - CNN China and Russia are ramping up joint military drills. What’s their end goal? (news.google.com)
100. 随着中国乐观情绪的消退,全球石油市场是否正在走向萧条? - CNBC Are global oil markets heading for a bust as China optimism fizzles? (news.google.com)
101. 分析师:中国贸易四面楚歌,北京陷入经济困境 - South China Morning Post China trade tased from all sides, backing Beijing into an economic bind: analysts (news.google.com)
102. 中国称尾随美国间谍飞机穿越敏感的台湾海峡 - The Associated Press China says it tailed a US spy plane through the sensitive Taiwan Strait (news.google.com)
103. 斯蒂芬-库里中国行混乱导致多次取消行程 - SFGATE Chaos on Steph Curry's China trip leads to multiple cancellations (news.google.com)
104. 台湾发现中国航母编队在其东海岸附近航行 - Reuters.com Taiwan spots Chinese carrier group sailing off its east coast (news.google.com)
105. 分析师:中国贸易四面楚歌,北京陷入经济困境 - South China Morning Post China trade tased from all sides, backing Beijing into economic bind: analysts (news.google.com)
106. 独家:美国推动越南海底电缆计划远离中国的内幕 - Reuters.com Exclusive: Inside the US push to steer Vietnam's subsea cable plans away from China (news.google.com)
107. 制裁阻碍投资,敦促中国维护海外利益 - South China Morning Post China urged to safeguard overseas interests as sanctions hinder investments (news.google.com)
108. 中国大幅提高退休年龄,愤怒之声不绝于耳 - The Economist Anger abounds as China raises its strikingly low retirement age (news.google.com)
109. 巴基斯坦球员在对阵印度的亚洲冠军杯决赛中举中国国旗。互联网反应 - NDTV Sports Pakistan Players Hold China Flag During Asian Champions Trophy Final Against India. Internet Reacts (news.google.com)
110. 为什么中国在美国港口的货运起重机会带来间谍风险? - Axios Why China's cargo cranes at U.S. ports pose espionage risk (news.google.com)
111. 被关押在中国近 20 年的华侨城牧师获释 - Los Angeles Times O.C. pastor imprisoned in China is released after nearly 20 years (news.google.com)
112. 台风 "贝碧嘉 "降级为热带风暴,中国有 2 人死亡 - The Associated Press 2 people reported dead in China as Typhoon Bebinca is downgraded to a tropical storm (news.google.com)
114. 一些西方国家反对中国加征关税的游说活动日益增多 - Semafor Lobbying efforts against China tariffs are growing in some Western countries (news.google.com)
115. 普京下令将俄罗斯军队增至 150 万人,成为仅次于中国的第二大军队 - EURACTIV Putin orders Russian army to become second largest after China's at 1.5 million-strong (news.google.com)
116. 达美航空和美联航为未使用的中美航班寻求进一步延期 - Aviation Week Delta, United Seek Further Extensions For Unused U.S.-China Flights (news.google.com)
117. 谁是特朗普无休止贸易战的输家?不仅仅是中国 - Bloomberg Who Loses in Trump’s Endless Trade War? Not Just China (news.google.com)
118. 众议院共和党聚焦瓦尔兹在华期间,将北京视为主要对手 - Star Tribune House GOP hones in on Walz's time in China as it targets Beijing as chief adversary (news.google.com)
119. 台风 "贝碧嘉 "袭击中国上海,引发 40 多万人撤离 - CBS News Typhoon Bebinca slams Shanghai, China, sparking evacuation of more than 400,000 people (news.google.com)
120. 一名在中国被拘留近 20 年的加州牧师获释 - KTLA Los Angeles A California pastor detained in China for nearly 20 years has been released (news.google.com)
121. 中国称尾随美国间谍飞机穿越敏感的台湾海峡 - ABC News China says it tailed a US spy plane through the sensitive Taiwan Strait (news.google.com)
122. 卫星照片显示美国正在为中国战争开垦二战机场 - Newsweek Satellite Photos Show US Reclaiming World War II Airfield for China War (news.google.com)
123. 中菲航班将在低需求和地缘政治中折翼 - South China Morning Post China-Philippine flights to get wings clipped amid low demand, geopolitics (news.google.com)
124. 直播:印度 vs 中国 - 2024 年亚洲冠军杯男子曲棍球决赛 - Al Jazeera English LIVE: India vs China – Men’s Asian Champions Trophy 2024 hockey final (news.google.com)
125. 中国释放被关押 18 年的橙县牧师 - ABC7 Los Angeles China releases Orange County pastor after 18 years in custody (news.google.com)
127. 中国对美国武器制造所需的重要矿产出口施加新限制 - Fox News China exerts new restrictions on exports of minerals critical to US weapons making (news.google.com)
128. 中国家电巨头美的集团融资 40 亿美元后将在香港交易 - Bloomberg Chinese appliance giant Midea Set to Trade in Hong Kong After Raising $4 Billion (news.google.com)
129. 中国称美国新关税是 "错上加错 - Asia Times China says new US tariffs ‘compounding its mistakes’ (news.google.com)
130. 美国领导人唱中文的人工智能视频在中国走红 - VOA Asia AI videos of US leaders singing Chinese go viral in China (news.google.com)
131. 中巴防务关系受到美国新制裁的威胁 - Nikkei Asia China-Pakistan defense ties threatened by new U.S. sanctions (news.google.com)
132. 主要经济体开始瞄准中国的电动汽车产业 - World Economic Forum Major economies are now taking aim at China's EV industry (news.google.com)
133. 报告显示,中国超级富豪人口在过去 10 年中 "急剧 "增长,超过美国 - CNBC China's ultra-rich population sees 'dramatic' growth in last 10 years, outpacing the U.S., report shows (news.google.com)
134. 缉毒署关闭在华两家办事处,努力阻止化学品流动 - NPR DEA closing 2 offices in China as the agency struggles to stem flow of chemicals (news.google.com)
135. 台风 "贝碧嘉 "降级为热带风暴,中国有 2 人死亡 - ABC News 2 people reported dead in China as Typhoon Bebinca is downgraded to a tropical storm (news.google.com)
136. 美国敲定对华关税,马来西亚手套制造商股价大涨 - Yahoo Finance Malaysia Glove Maker Shares Surge as US Finalizes China Tariffs (news.google.com)
137. 北京是否要对东京的台湾立场 "打琉球牌"? - South China Morning Post Is Beijing about to ‘play the Ryukyu card’ over Tokyo’s stand on Taiwan? (news.google.com)
138. 恒大危机加剧,普华永道中国1.4亿美元园区停工 - Financial Times PwC China stops work on $140mn campus as Evergrande crisis mounts (news.google.com)
139. 中国称 AUKUS "受冷战思维驱使"。以下是中国受到该条约威胁的三个原因 - The Conversation China says AUKUS is 'driven by Cold War thinking'. Here are 3 reasons it is so threatened by the pact (news.google.com)
140. 美国对抗中国的反舰武器战略:数量多、机动性强、杀伤力大 - Reuters US strategy for anti-ship weapons to counter China: plentiful, mobile, deadly (news.google.com)
141. 如何攻占台湾:中国大陆节目想象解放军进攻的样子 - South China Morning Post How to take Taiwan: mainland China show imagines what a PLA attack may look like (news.google.com)
142. 独家|中国廉价出口产品大量涌入,美国官员乘飞机前往北京 - The Wall Street Journal Exclusive | U.S. Officials Jet to Beijing Amid Flood of Cheap Chinese Exports (news.google.com)
143. 出生率骤降,中国 "白银经济 "蓬勃发展 - The New York Times China’s ‘Silver Economy’ Is Thriving as Birthrate Plunges (news.google.com)
144. 美国和日本即将达成遏制向中国出口芯片技术的协议 - Financial Times US and Japan near deal to curb chip technology exports to China (news.google.com)
145. 空军官员称来自中国的威胁与日俱增 - Department of Defense Threat From China Increasing, Air Force Official Says (news.google.com)
146. 五角大楼称美国谴责中国在乌克兰支持俄罗斯 - South China Morning Post US called out China for supporting Russia in Ukraine, says Pentagon (news.google.com)
147. 中美科技战为何让学术祸害重回中国政府视线? - South China Morning Post Why the US-China tech war has put an academic scourge back in Beijing's sights (news.google.com)
148. 中国经济放缓将对全球农产品市场产生重大影响 - Agweb Powered by Farm Journal China's Economic Slowdown is Leading to a Major Impact on Global Ag Markets - Agweb Powered by Farm Journal (news.google.com)
149. 中国的电动汽车革命正在将较贫困的农村城市抛在后面 - Bloomberg China’s EV Revolution Is Leaving Poorer Rural Cities Behind (news.google.com)
150. 北约领导人延斯-斯托尔滕贝格谈俄罗斯乌克兰战争的未来 - Foreign Policy NATO’s Jens Stoltenberg on the Future of Russia’s War in Ukraine (news.google.com)
151. 菲律宾称,尽管撤军,但中国 "并未失去 "有争议的岛礁 - FRANCE 24 English Philippines says disputed reef 'not lost' to China despite pullout (news.google.com)
152. 早间竞价:关注鸽派美联储,中国通货紧缩势力加剧 - Reuters.com Morning Bid: Dovish Fed eyed, China's deflationary forces intensify (news.google.com)
153. 德国军舰在南海紧张局势中访问菲律宾 - Business Insider German Warships Visit Philippines Amid South China Sea Tensions (news.google.com)
154. 中国声称获胜,美国盟友撤出争议领土 - Newsweek US Ally Withdraws From Disputed Territory As China Claims Win (news.google.com)
155. 中美科技战为何让学术祸害重回中国政府视线? - South China Morning Post Why the US-China tech war has put an academic scourge back in Beijing’s sights (news.google.com)
156. 经济数据令人失望,中国股市在香港下跌 - Bloomberg Chinese Stocks Slip in Hong Kong After Economic Data Disappoint (news.google.com)
157. 中国释放被非法拘禁近 20 年的美国牧师 - Fox News China frees US pastor after nearly 20 years of wrongful detainment (news.google.com)
158. 比赛时间和形式中国 vs 印度 - 2024 年亚洲冠军杯曲棍球决赛 - Al Jazeera English Match time, form: China vs India – Asian Champions Trophy 2024 hockey final (news.google.com)
159. 国防部代表团结束与中国的军事会谈 - Department of Defense DOD Delegation Concludes Military Talks With China (news.google.com)
160. 中国释放被关押 18 年的美国牧师 - NPR China frees American pastor after 18 years in detention (news.google.com)
161. 俄罗斯加强与中国和伊朗的合作为何令欧洲恐慌? - Financial Times Why Russia’s increased co-operation with China and Iran spooks Europe (news.google.com)
162. 即使每年拥有 1 万亿美元,美国军队仍在落后 - Bloomberg Even With $1 Trillion a Year the US Military Is Falling Behind (news.google.com)
163. 中国自 20 世纪 50 年代以来首次提高退休年龄 - The New York Times China Raises Retirement Age for the First Time Since the 1950s (news.google.com)
164. 印度与中国关系解冻 4 年后可能恢复直飞航班 - South China Morning Post India could resume direct flights to China after 4 years amid thaw in ties (news.google.com)
165. 美国缉毒署努力阻止芬太尼化学品的流通,但仍关闭了在中国的两个办事处 - The Associated Press DEA shutting down two offices in China even as agency struggles to stem flow of fentanyl chemicals (news.google.com)
166. 菲律宾期待美国在中国接收锈蚀军舰时进行干预 - Business Insider Philippines Expects US to Intervene If China Takes Rusted Warship (news.google.com)
167. 处于中美科技战争核心的中国芯片制造商 - The New York Times The Chinese Chipmaker at the Heart of the U.S.-China Tech War (news.google.com)
168. 解释中国的传播赤字 - 外交政策研究所 Explaining China’s Diffusion Deficit - Foreign Policy Research Institute (news.google.com)
169. 面对中美紧张局势,博雷尔呼吁保护工业 - EURACTIV Borrell urges defence of industries in face of US-China tensions (news.google.com)
170. 中国在美国海港的 "间谍芯片 "令研究人员震惊;报告称中国公司希望远程访问 - EurAsian Times China’s “Spy Chip” At U.S. Seaports Shocks Researchers; Report Claims Chinese Firm Wanted Remote Access (news.google.com)
172. 经济问题日益严重,中国何时回应美联储降息? - South China Morning Post When will China respond to Fed rate cut as economic problems mount? (news.google.com)
174. 中国释放美国牧师林大卫,美国政府称他被非法拘禁 18 年 - CBS News China frees David Lin, American pastor who U.S. government says was wrongfully detained for 18 years (news.google.com)
175. 菲律宾将继续在有争议的南海浅滩部署船只 - Reuters Philippines to continue to deploy vessels in contested South China Sea shoal (news.google.com)
176. 菲律宾在对峙 5 个月后将船只驶离南海 - Business Insider Philippines Pulls Vessel Out of South China Sea After 5-Month Standoff (news.google.com)
177. 中国对稀土的控制削弱了从美国到日本的项目 - Bloomberg China’s Grip on Rare Earths Undercuts Projects From US to Japan (news.google.com)
178. 布达佩斯 R5(女子):蒙古击败美国,亚美尼亚阻击中国 - Chess News | ChessBase Budapest R5 (women): Mongolia beat the US, Armenia stop China (news.google.com)
179. 随着紧张局势加剧,美国可能卷入菲律宾与中国之间的冲突 | 60 分钟 - CBS News U.S. could be drawn into clash between Philippines, China as tensions rise | 60 Minutes (news.google.com)
180. 美国在有争议的南海进行无人机战争训练 - Newsweek US Trains for Drone War in Contested South China Sea (news.google.com)
181. 中国和欧盟将举行会谈,旨在缓解贸易关税引发的紧张局势 - Euronews China and EU set for talks aimed at easing tensions over trade tariffs (news.google.com)
182. 早间新闻美联储进入宽松周,中国经济疲软 - Reuters Morning Bid: Fed hits easing week, China economy weak (news.google.com)
183. 中国出口增长放缓,运价大幅下跌 - Nikkei Asia Freight rates plummet as China's export growth slows (news.google.com)
184. 被关押在中国监狱近二十年的美国牧师终于回家了 - CNN An American pastor held in a Chinese jail for nearly two decades is finally home (news.google.com)
185. 尽管美国收紧限制,中国仍声称芯片制造取得进展 - Bloomberg China Claims Chipmaking Gear Advance Despite Tightening US Curbs (news.google.com)
186. 中国、美国与争夺权力和影响力的全球斗争 - Financial Times China, America and a global struggle for power and influence (news.google.com)
187. TikTok 说它没有传播中国的宣传。美国说确实存在风险。真相是什么? - NBC News TikTok says it's not spreading Chinese propaganda. The U.S. says there's a real risk. What's the truth? (news.google.com)
188. 腾讯马化腾重夺中国首富宝座 - Bloomberg Tencent’s Pony Ma Reclaims Title of China’s Richest Person (news.google.com)
189. 中国:台风 "贝碧嘉 "登陆上海 - DW (English) China: Typhoon Bebinca makes landfall in Shanghai (news.google.com)
190. 菲律宾向萨比纳浅滩部署新的海岸警卫队,无视中国的撤军要求 - Fox News Philippines deploys new coast guard ship to Sabina Shoal, defying China's demands for withdrawal (news.google.com)
191. 分析师称中国经济正经历 "缓慢、痛苦、艰难的调整 - CNBC China's economy is going through a 'slow, painful, grinding adjustment,' analyst says (news.google.com)
192. 中国选手包揽澳门 WTT 锦标赛男女冠军 - CGTN Chinese players sweep men's and women's titles at WTT Champions Macao (news.google.com)
193. 坎耶-维斯特在中国演出,罕见地获得中国审查机构批准 - The Guardian Kanye West performs in China after rare approval by country’s censors (news.google.com)
194. 中国正迅速成为先进产业的领先创新者 - 信息技术与创新基金会 China Is Rapidly Becoming a Leading Innovator in Advanced Industries - Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (news.google.com)
195. 中国对粮食的饥饿感减弱给世界农民带来麻烦 - South China Morning Post China’s fading hunger for grain spells trouble for world farmers (news.google.com)
196. 中国计划在月球上建造基地?这意味着 - The Times of India China planning to build its base on Moon? This is what it means (news.google.com)
197. 冒着 1000 亿美元中国直接投资的风险,德国鼓起勇气对抗北京,在台湾附近施展拳脚 - EurAsian Times Risking $100 Billion Chinese FDI, Germany Musters Courage To Defy Beijing, Flexes Muscles Near Taiwan (news.google.com)
198. 中美两国军事领导人讨论南海及其他问题 - Nikkei Asia American and Chinese military leaders discuss South China Sea and more (news.google.com)
199. 中国在近二十年后释放美国牧师 - The Wall Street Journal China Releases American Pastor After Nearly Two Decades (news.google.com)
200. 德国海军舰艇穿越台湾海峡,招致中国批评 - Naval News German Navy Ships Transit Taiwan Strait, Draw Chinese Criticism (news.google.com)
201. 中国安全部门负责人呼吁镇压藏区分裂分子 - South China Morning Post China’s security chief calls for crackdown on separatists in Tibetan areas (news.google.com)
202. 高盛和花旗集团将中国 2024 年经济增长预期下调至 4.7 - Reuters.com Goldman Sachs, Citigroup cut China's 2024 growth forecast to 4.7% (news.google.com)
203. 在孙玥的案件中,有迹象表明中国有一套熟悉的游戏规则 - The New York Times In Linda Sun’s Case, Signs of a Familiar China Playbook (news.google.com)
204. 中国在太阳能和电池领域的主导地位如何影响日本的能源转型 - The Japan Times How China's dominance of solar and batteries is impacting Japan's energy transition (news.google.com)
205. 中国新婚女子拒绝为游戏账户充值后被丈夫打瞎双眼 - South China Morning Post China newlywed woman blinded by husband after refusing to top up gaming account (news.google.com)
206. 从披萨到火锅,中国餐厅争夺独食客 - Nikkei Asia China's restaurants battle for solo diners, from pizzas to hot pots (news.google.com)
207. 中国称上海遭受七十年来最强风暴袭击 - CNN Shanghai slammed by what China says is the city’s strongest storm in seven decades (news.google.com)
208. 中国显示产业的创新能力如何?- 信息技术与创新基金会 How Innovative Is China in the Display Industry? - Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (news.google.com)
209. 中国称上海遭受七十年来最强风暴袭击 - CNN International Shanghai slammed by what China says is the city’s strongest storm in seven decades (news.google.com)
210. 内部备忘录称,普华永道正在为中国的 "高质量 "业务进行投资 - Reuters PwC making investments for 'high quality' business in China, internal memo says (news.google.com)
211. 在纽约案件中,有迹象表明中国的玩法似曾相识 - The New York Times In New York Case, Signs of a Familiar China Playbook (news.google.com)
212. 台风 "贝碧嘉 "袭击上海,数千名救援人员在中国待命 - South China Morning Post Thousands of rescuers on standby in China as Typhoon Bebinca hits Shanghai (news.google.com)
213. 荷兰芯片制造工具出口管制新政重创中国 - South China Morning Post China hit hard by new Dutch export controls on chip-making tools (news.google.com)
214. 中国地方政府债务问题是经济增长的隐性拖累 - CNBC China's local government debt problems are a hidden drag on economic growth (news.google.com)
215. 中国经济增速放缓考验习近平对增长失误的容忍度 - Bloomberg China’s Deepening Slowdown Tests Xi’s Tolerance for Growth Miss (news.google.com)
216. 菲律宾撤出南海争议岛礁 - Financial Times Philippines withdraws from disputed reef in South China Sea (news.google.com)
217. 中俄六天联合军演在日本海结束 - Euronews Six days of joint military drills between China and Russia end in Sea of Japan (news.google.com)
218. 经济学家金克玉谈贸易战为何仍是 "送给中国的礼物 - South China Morning Post Economist Jin Keyu on why the trade war is still a ‘gift for China’ (news.google.com)
219. 中国为何在 "60 分钟 "节目中撞击菲律宾船只? - CBS News Why China rammed a Philippine ship while 60 Minutes was on board (news.google.com)
220. 投资者消化中国经济数据,等待美联储利率决议,澳股高开 - CNBC Aussie stocks open higher as investors digest China economic data, await Fed rate verdict (news.google.com)
221. 60 分钟》见证南海国际事件 - CBS News 60 Minutes witnesses international incident in the South China Sea (news.google.com)
223. 独家|经济学家金克玉谈贸易战为何仍是 "送给中国的礼物 - South China Morning Post Exclusive | Economist Jin Keyu on why the trade war is still a ‘gift for China’ (news.google.com)
225. 美中两国军方领导人完成关于南海等问题的讨论 - VOA Asia US, China military leaders finish discussions on South China Sea, other issues (news.google.com)
226. 中国 8 月经济疲软,北京正努力应对需求滞后问题 - VOA Asia China's economy softens in August as Beijing grapples with lagging demand (news.google.com)
228. 中国为其第三艘航母测试隐形战斗机:报道 - Deccan Herald China testing stealth fighter jet for its 3rd aircraft carrier: Report (news.google.com)
229. 中国因恒大审计案对普华永道处以 6 个月禁令和 5650 万美元罚款 - 台北時報 China hands PwC a 6-month ban and US$56.5m fine over Evergrande audit (news.google.com)
230. 中国共产党人如何爱上私有化 - The Economist How China’s communists fell in love with privatisation (news.google.com)
231. 台风 "贝碧嘉 "来袭,上海取消航班 - DW (English) Shanghai cancels flights as China braces for Typhoon Bebinca (news.google.com)
232. 美中军事领导人举行例行会谈,讨论南海紧张局势等问题 - WKRN News 2 US-China military leaders hold routine talks to discuss South China Sea tensions and other issues (news.google.com)
233. 美中军事领导人举行例行会谈,讨论南海紧张局势等问题 - Newsday US-China military leaders hold routine talks to discuss South China Sea tensions and other issues (news.google.com)
234. 上海严阵以待台风 "贝碧嘉 "的直接袭击 - VOA Asia Shanghai braces for direct hit from Typhoon Bebinca (news.google.com)
235. 中国正在提高退休年龄,以应对劳动力老龄化和人口减少问题 - PBS NewsHour China is raising its retirement age in response to aging workforce and declining population (news.google.com)
236. 中国男子因追赶吓唬孙女的狗而将其扔到地上杀死 - South China Morning Post China man kills dog by throwing it to ground after chasing scares granddaughter (news.google.com)
237. 上海严阵以待台风 "贝碧嘉 "的直接袭击 - Reuters Shanghai braces for direct hit from Typhoon Bebinca (news.google.com)
238. 中国:女子在肉馅月饼中发现一颗人牙,令人震惊 - WION China: Woman makes shocking discovery of a human tooth in meat-filled mooncake (news.google.com)
239. 中国大码模特因与包容性品牌合作倡导身体积极性而备受赞誉 - South China Morning Post Plus-size China model lauded for championing body positivity with inclusive brands (news.google.com)
240. 几十年来,中国工人退休相对较早。这种情况即将改变 - CNN For decades, Chinese workers have retired relatively early. That’s about to change (news.google.com)
241. 美中军事领导人举行例行会谈,讨论南海紧张局势等问题 - ABC News US-China military leaders hold routine talks to discuss South China Sea tensions and other issues (news.google.com)
242. 中国希望取代杰夫-贝索斯,成为马斯克最大的太空威胁 - The Seattle Times China wants to replace Jeff Bezos as Musk’s greatest space threat (news.google.com)
243. 无论谁赢得美国大选,美国都无法阻止中国的崛起 - South China Morning Post Whoever wins the US election, America isn’t stopping China’s rise (news.google.com)
244. 中国的宠物数量可能很快超过幼儿数量。为什么这让北京头疼 - WQOW TV News 18 China could soon have more pets than toddlers. Why that's a headache for Beijing (news.google.com)
245. 观点|无论谁赢得美国大选,美国都无法阻止中国的崛起 - South China Morning Post Opinion | Whoever wins the US election, America isn’t stopping China’s rise (news.google.com)
246. 经济前景黯淡,中国房主急于提前偿还抵押贷款 - Yahoo Finance China's homeowners are rushing to pay off mortgages early as outlook on the economy dims (news.google.com)
247. 中国的低价电动车在西班牙大行其道,在欧洲的车道上大展拳脚 - South China Morning Post China’s low-priced EVs reign in Spain, make gains in Europe’s lanes (news.google.com)
248. 中国:台风 "贝碧嘉 "逼近上海,将于午夜后登陆 - AL24 News China: Typhoon Bebinca makes its way towards Shanghai, set to make landfall after midnight (news.google.com)
249. 与中国对峙的菲律宾海岸警卫队船只返回港口 - Al Jazeera English Philippine Coast Guard ship in standoff with China returns to port (news.google.com)
250. 俄罗斯和中国就美国在印度洋-太平洋地区部署导弹 "开火";莫斯科警告将作出严厉回应 - EurAsian Times Russia, China “Breathe Fire” Over U.S. Missile Deployment In Indo-Pacific; Moscow Warns Of Stern Response (news.google.com)
252. 中国商务部长在与欧盟举行重要电动车谈判前会见意大利汽车业领袖 - Global Times China’s Commerce Minister meets Italian auto industry leader ahead of major EV talks with EU (news.google.com)
253. 希望出任首相的日本首相表示,日美面临来自中国钢铁的 "共同挑战 - VOA Asia Japan, US face ‘shared challenge’ from China steel, PM hopeful says (news.google.com)
254. 中国人放弃高价商品,欧洲奢侈品股遭遇溃败 - South China Morning Post European luxury shares suffer rout as Chinese forgo high-priced goods (news.google.com)
255. 中国呼吁美国停止对电动汽车、太阳能电池和半导体加征关税 - South China Morning Post China calls on US to axe tariff increases on EVs, solar cells and semiconductors (news.google.com)
256. 中国促进地理标志保护:知识产权局 - Xinhua China promotes protection of geographical indications: IP authority (news.google.com)
257. 中国男演员严屹宽为何长相帅气却选择配角? - South China Morning Post Why China actor Yan Yikuan opts for supporting roles despite good looks (news.google.com)
258. 中国收养时代结束,家庭为其遗产而纠结 - The New York Times An Era of Chinese Adoption Ends, and Families Are Torn Over Its Legacy (news.google.com)
259. 弗拉基米尔-普京的 "中国支点 "正在起反作用 - Newsweek Vladimir Putin's Pivot to China is backfiring (news.google.com)
260. 观点|为什么中国在非洲取得了成功,而美国却失败了? - South China Morning Post Opinion | Why China is succeeding in Africa where the US is failing (news.google.com)
261. 中国在南海的风险权力游戏 - The New York Times China’s Risky Power Play in the South China Sea (news.google.com)
262. 中国经济下滑的原因何在,对澳大利亚意味着什么? - The Guardian What's causing China's economic downturn and what does it mean for Australia? (news.google.com)
263. 菲律宾船只从有争议的南海浅滩返回港口 - Reuters Philippines vessel from contested South China Sea shoal returns to port (news.google.com)
264. 随着中国和非洲进入 "一带一路 "的下一阶段,情况将是这样的 - South China Morning Post As China and Africa enter the next belt and road phase, this is how it will look (news.google.com)
265. 历史学家称中国加强审查制度令研究工作举步维艰 - VOA Asia Historians say increased censorship in China makes research hard (news.google.com)
266. 玛丽亚-凯莉在北京演出前分享来自中国的温馨全家福照片 - ABC News Mariah Carey shares sweet family photos from China ahead of Beijing shows (news.google.com)
268. 自民党总统候选人概述应对美国和中国关切的方法 - The Japan Times LDP presidential hopefuls outline approach to U.S. and China concerns (news.google.com)
269. 中国下调房贷利率能否重振摇摇欲坠的房地产市场? - South China Morning Post Can China’s mortgage rate cuts revive its faltering property market? (news.google.com)
270. 独家报道|巴基斯坦特使称中国与 "一带一路 "的联系不断加强,尽管发生了恐怖袭击事件 - South China Morning Post Exclusive | Pakistan envoy says China belt and road links growing despite terrorist attacks (news.google.com)
271. 美国 MQ-9 "死神 "无人机在模拟行动中飞越中国控制的美济礁;为战争做准备? - EurAsian Times U.S. MQ-9 Reaper Drones Fly Over China-Controlled Mischief Reef In Simulation Ops; Preparation For War? (news.google.com)
272. 台风逼近上海,中国准备应对暴雨 - Barron's China Prepares For Heavy Rain As Typhoon Nears Shanghai (news.google.com)
273. 中国审查机构允许叶祖新在中国演出。他的粉丝们惊呆了 - The New York Times China’s Censors Are Letting Ye Perform There. His Fans Are Amazed. (news.google.com)
274. 中国反对美国加征关税,誓言采取措施维护本国企业利益 - 美国新闻与世界报道-财经 China Opposes US Tariff Hikes, Vows Steps to Defend Its Firms' Interests - U.S News & World Report Money (news.google.com)
275. 中国正在提高退休年龄,目前是世界主要经济体中最年轻的国家之一 - The Associated Press China is raising its retirement age, now among the youngest in the world's major economies (news.google.com)
276. 太恶心了中国妇女在月饼里发现人牙 - The Times of India 'It’s so disgusting': Woman finds human tooth inside mooncake in China (news.google.com)
277. 中国、日本和美国的新型豪华汽车与古巴的经典汽车形成鲜明对比 - South China Morning Post New luxury Chinese, Japanese and US cars a contrast to Cuba’s classics (news.google.com)
278. 中国妇女在美国超市月饼中发现人牙,警方展开调查 - South China Morning Post Woman finds human tooth in mooncake from US supermarket in China, police probe (news.google.com)
279. GLOBALink | 中国的 "双碳 "目标为意大利辐射供暖巨头带来机遇 - Xinhua GLOBALink | China's "dual carbon" goal brings opportunities for Italian radiant heating giant (news.google.com)
280. 巴基斯坦特使称中国的 "一带一路 "联系在恐怖袭击中仍在增长 - South China Morning Post Pakistan envoy says China belt and road links growing despite terrorist attacks (news.google.com)
281. 日裔维吾尔族议员呼吁对华采取更强硬立场 - Nikkei Asia Japanese-Uyghur lawmaker calls for harder line on China (news.google.com)
282. 名气堪比内地顶级影星的中国儿童 KOL - South China Morning Post China child KOLs whose fame is comparable to top mainland movie stars (news.google.com)
283. 冷战和虚构的中国如何推动了间谍小说的兴起 - Post Magazine How the rise of spy novels was spurred by the Cold War and a fictional China (news.google.com)
285. 印度拥有一艘新型核弹道导弹潜艇。但它能赶上中国吗? - CNN India has a new nuclear-capable ballistic missile submarine. But can it catch up with China? (news.google.com)
286. 中国抨击德国派遣军舰穿越台湾海峡 - POLITICO Europe China slams Germany for sending naval ships through Taiwan Strait (news.google.com)
287. 加拿大希望加入 AUKUS 军事联盟,在印太地区对抗中国 - NDTV Canada Aims To Join Military Alliance AUKUS To Counter China In Indo-Pacific Region (news.google.com)
288. 继贾尚卡尔发表 "75%"言论之后,中国称近年来已从拉达克的四个地区撤军 - WION After Jaishankar`s `75%` remark, China says it disengaged troops from four areas in Ladakh in recent years (news.google.com)
289. 中国在能源领域的成功经验不足以确保实现气候目标 - South China Morning Post China’s energy playbook success not enough to secure climate goals (news.google.com)
290. 中国经济下滑的原因何在,对澳大利亚意味着什么? - The Guardian What’s causing China’s economic downturn and what does it mean for Australia? (news.google.com)
291. 玛丽亚-凯莉在北京演出前分享来自中国的温馨全家福照片 - Good Morning America Mariah Carey shares sweet family photos from China ahead of Beijing shows (news.google.com)
292. 中国就台湾海峡军舰问题警告德国 - DW (English) China warns Germany over warships in Taiwan Strait (news.google.com)
293. 中国总理李强巩固与沙特和阿联酋的关系,包括在新能源方面的关系 - Yahoo Finance Chinese Premier Li Qiang cements ties with Saudi Arabia, UAE, including on new energy (news.google.com)
295. 阿联酋如何与中国争夺非洲资源 - South China Morning Post How the UAE is competing with China for Africa’s resources (news.google.com)
296. 高铁展示中国的快速现代化 - People's Daily High-speed rail showcasing China's rapid modernization (news.google.com)
297. 中国政府拉美事务特别代表丘小琪出席中美洲独立203周年招待会_中华人民共和国外交部 - MFA China Special Representative of the Chinese Government on Latin American Affairs Qiu Xiaoqi Attends Reception for the 203rd Anniversary of the Independence of Central America_Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China (news.google.com)
298. 投资者撤出,中国初创企业死气沉沉--"今天,我们就像麻风病人 - Fortune China’s startup scene is dead as investors pull out—’Today, we are like lepers’ (news.google.com)
299. 日本首相希望之星:日美面临中国廉价钢铁的共同挑战 - Reuters.com Japan, US face shared challenge from cheap China steel, Japan PM hopeful says (news.google.com)
300. GLOBALink | 投资中国就是投资未来:欧莱雅集团高管 - Xinhua GLOBALink | Investing in China is investing in future: L'Oreal senior executive (news.google.com)